Manuals & Recipe booklets

Are you looking for the manual of a specific appliance?

You can find the information from a few different places: 

  • Via the appliance details page. To quickly find this page, use the search bar at the top of this website: enter your article number or description to find all the information about your product. 
  • Via the “Product Support” page. Enter your article number here, press enter, and the relevant manual will be displayed together with some frequently asked questions about this appliance. 
There is no recipe booklet in the box of my appliance. Why is that?

We stopped printing our recipe booklets in 2021. We chose to do this for ecological reasons. We still make them though. There is a QR code on the box that takes you to the booklet.

Have you already thrown the box away? No problem at all: we publish the recipe booklets online on Issuu where you can easily browse or download them. You can also download them from this website. You can find them by entering the article number or name of the appliance in the search bar. You will see a download link on the appliance detail page.

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